For businesses getting started with digital signage, or which are in the process of improving their deployment, there are two main options. Either the network would be hosted on-premise, or it might be a cloud-based digital signage software. Utilizing Software as a Service (#saas) -based platform is an efficient practice for 2015. Depending on the business needs and nature, a signage cloud platform might just be the way to go.
Reasons to choose SaaS digital signage
For cloud digital signage the software provider delivers #content from his own servers to the appointed displays.
Some of the reasons for choosing the SaaS model would be its facility for beginners and its lower costs (rent type costs/lower upfront costs). Also it implies no server acquisition, no separate full-time IT staff and no maintenance on-premises. All the software updates are usually included in the package deal with the software provider.
The counter-arguments derive from the same operations scheme: the provider might cease its activity or its services might be unsatisfactory. As in all outsourcing, the primary client is relinquishing control over part of his data.
Choosing which software provider to go by is therefore an important decision. Once the best provider is handling the digital signing for a company, the cloud system may prove its simplicity, accessibility and efficiency.
Cloud signage #security
There are many situations where the cloud based solution fits perfectly. The idea of provider volatility being a pretty extreme one, how about the security of the data hosted off-premises?
Samsung, for example, claims that its system-on-a-chip technology reduces security risks since the operating system has predefined capabilities and cannot install anything or mine for data. Also the cloud model would relieve companies from concerns about internal data security.
For retailers who are willing to try SaaS there are some guidelines, which help in choosing the right provider. A provider who uses HTTPS added on top of the SSL/TLS protocol ensures a strong encryption for its transfers. Since the providers of cloud computing services have field experience, their levels of reliability are usually higher that those achieved by the on-premises hosting.
Highly regulated companies are still approaching the issue gradually by installing a private cloud behind their own firewall or requesting hybrid solutions. The providers are also competing in versatility. The offer of scalable services, as well as hybrid services could please some of the more sophisticated customers.
For the small and midsized businesses (#smbs), outsourcing security in the cloud might be a overall welcome solution, since the costs are lower for specific services.
Cloud signage content availability
Another trust issue has to do with the content provided through the digital signage cloud solution. Maintaining an updated and fresh quality content is again a task for the provider to fulfill. The content can be changed on the fly, the same as on-premises content even if the download might take a bit longer. As a plus, the buyer can schedule content downloads. If the Internet connection is discontinued, the preloaded content may continue to play until the connection is restored. Also the bandwidth is not affected by the digital signage operations since the cloud systems use Web-optimized media encoders.
As for the content parameters, there are four vectors to be considered: volume, variety, velocity and veracity. Construing their message by these four items, a company can reduce ambiguity and volume in its signage. The offers can be tailored for particular customers using the interactive aspects of signage (beacon technology, intuitive navigation, past preferences memory). Once the right content is mapped out, the provider takes over the task of developing or maintaining it.
The bottom line is that SaaS digital signage is recommended for reducing technical challenges, implementation times and costs. The best providers also offer edge-of-network caching, geographic failover, and long-term data storage. And they cover security professionally.
In the case of extremely security sensitive companies which need particularly customized solutions and which have the available funds or resources, private cloud installation and on-premise hosting still remains the best solution.
Of course, cloud security is enhancing its capabilities as we speak, so new developments might just make cloud digital signage even more widespread.