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Kraft Heinz suggests we simmer down about Snatch ransomware attack claims

December 15, 2023


The Kraft Heinz Company says its systems are all up and running as usual as it probes claims that some of its data was stolen by ransomware crooks.

This is undoubtedly good news for baked bean and ketchup fans fearing empty shelves in supermarkets, gaps where there should be plenty of tinned food and condiments, this close to the annual Christmas feast-a-thon. You may recall the great Clorox cleaning supply shortage of 2023 – the result of a significant cyberattack on that corporate giant.

Kraft Heinz, which owns a ton of food and beverage brands including Oscar Meyer, Kool-Aid, Jell-O, Maxwell House, and Grey Poupon, declined to answer our specific questions about the Snatch extortion gang’s boasts that it had compromised the manufacturer and obtained internal information. Presumably Snatch is expecting a pay off or it’ll release the data.

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