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70% of CISOs worry their org is at risk of a material cyber attack

May 23, 2024

Chief information security officers around the globe “are nervously looking over the horizon,” according to a survey of 1,600 CISOs that found more than two thirds (70 percent) worry their organization is at risk of a material cyber attack over the next 12 months.

This is compared to 68 percent the year prior, and 48 percent in 2022. Additionally, nearly a third (31 percent) believe a significant attack is “very likely,” compared to 25 percent in 2023.

For its annual Voice of the CISO report, Proofpoint polled CISOs from organizations with at least 1,000 employees across 16 countries: The US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Brazil. Research firm Censuswide conducted the survey between January 20 and February 2, and interviewed 100 CISOs in each country, we’re told.

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