
GDPR Requirements Prompt New Approach to Protecting Data in Motion

May 4, 2018


The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect on May 25, a response to data breaches and demands for greater oversight relating to security of personal identifiable information (PII). As shown by the recent Equifax and Cambridge Analytica debacles, the risks to PII are real as digital transformation makes all interaction data usable and the Internet of Things (IoT) causes an explosion of new data sources.

GDPR is the latest of numerous laws around the use of PII. These laws often vary by jurisdiction, industry, and data type, making for a complex puzzle for enterprise data governance. For companies with large global customer bases, compliance with the strictest regulation across the customer base ends up being the prudent course, as it can be difficult to apply only geographic-specific restrictions to PII.

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