
Author: ITCurated

Editorial, Vulnerabilities, Wireless security

Embedded risks – when vulnerable circuits threaten IoT

January 20, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

In a pioneering move, cyber-security expert Bruce Schneier approached the risks linked to embedded systems as early as January 2014. Embedded systems cyber-security raised a certain amount of interest in 2015, and will represent an even hotter topic in 2016. […]

Editorial, Malware, Vulnerabilities

Malvertising: what is it and how to browse safely

January 13, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

Malvertising is the assigned term for malicious advertising, which represents the action of hijacking legitimate online advertising networks performed by malicious factors in order to inject their own malware-ridden advertisements into the said platforms. The usual shape malvertising takes is […]

Access control, Editorial, Privacy protection

Assembling your personal key – how to set a strong password

January 6, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

All good passwords have to meet a double condition: hard to guess, yet unforgettable in what their owner is concerned. Even more, how do you achieve that? Obviously, many password users fail at choosing the best virtual key for their […]

Cyber-crime, Data loss, Editorial

2015’s (cyber) seven – the most notorious data breach examples of the year

December 30, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

This year has seen some major cyber-security breach cases that brought to the general attention the fact that nobody is generically safe. From private companies to government agencies, cyber-attacks threaten all entities that handle sensitive data. Taking into consideration the […]

Cyber warfare, Editorial

Should cyber-crime be afraid of machine learning?

December 23, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Searching for the optimum cyber-security defense configuration lead to the idea of employing machine learning in this field. Enterprises and researchers have regrouped their strategies in the aftermath of each and every notorious breach and attack, only to realize that […]

Editorial, Security

User behavior analytics – a promising tool in enterprise security

December 17, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Acting as a cyber-security defense line, user behavior analytics (UBA) consist of monitoring the human behavior patterns that emerge from interacting with an IT system, establishing the normal zone and identifying any anomalies that could signal vulnerabilities or threats. This […]

Access control, Editorial

Wireless jamming, a DDoS attack – how vulnerable are we?

December 9, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Wireless or radio frequency wireless jamming designates the intentional activity of disrupting radio signals in order to disable any transmission that uses radio waves to circulate data or commands to and from RF devices. When used for malicious purposes, this […]

Editorial, Security

What do you know on the Dark Web?

December 4, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Let’s open our Dark Web discussion with a question: just how much of the entire Internet would you think is accessible via the usual search engines? Take a wild guess. We have conducted our own mini-inquiry based on this question, and […]

Editorial, Privacy protection

Privacy versus Web analytics – the “do not track” issue

November 25, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

On June 15, 2015 the Consumer Watchdog group from Santa Monica, CA addressed a petition to the FCC regarding the way “edge” providers honor the “do not track request”. By “edge providers” the group has in mind entities such as […]

Access control, Cyber warfare, Editorial, Privacy protection

Should encryption be limited or encouraged?

November 18, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

The encryption debate reads the following way: while the logic of cyber-security and its encryption tools forecasts an impenetrable encryption, the government is worried that such an efficient cyber feature would block the law enforcers. Although creating a relative paradox, […]

Access control, Editorial

Smart Home Invaders – just how vulnerable are we?

November 11, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

A survey on smart home and cyber-security, entitled “Behind our Digital Doors: Cybersecurity and the Connected Home”, revealed among other facts that 67% of the respondents possess between 1 and 5 Internet connected home devices, while 30% have 6 or […]

Editorial, Hacker, Vulnerabilities

The EMV card and how to be almost safe

November 5, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

The EMV card comes with enhanced security features, but also with particular vulnerabilities. Since this type of credit cards has been utilized for a while in Europe and in other regions of the globe, the cyber-attackers have already developed various […]

Editorial, Phishing, Security

Social engineering in cyber-attacks – how to protect your company

October 29, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

In our article on organizational doxing we mentioned social engineering with a promise on detailing this subject. The connection is straightforward – malicious digital entities use doxing as part of their social engineering maneuvers. However, what does social engineering mean? […]

Editorial, Identity theft, Privacy protection

Multi-factor authentication – is your data protected?

October 21, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

It often occurs in the aftermath of a severe data breach that cyber-security analysts talk about the attacked system as not being secured enough, because it did not use multi-factor authentication. Abbreviated MFA, multi-factor authentication is actually 2FA in most […]

Editorial, Phishing

Spear phishing – how to be prepared and protected

October 16, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

As a particular type of phishing attack, spear phishing targets from the preliminary phase a certain group, company or organization, with the intent of data stealing. The final goal might be facilitated by an identified or generic weak entry point […]

Editorial, Privacy protection

Safe Harbor Agreement invalidation – what to be prepared for

October 8, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

The Safe Harbor Agreement is an U.S. – EU agreement between the European Commission and the United States Department of Commerce by virtue of which a Safe Harbor list is open for U.S. organizations. Once businesses meet the conditions and join […]

Data loss, Editorial, Privacy protection

Doxing – Organizational Level

October 6, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Doxing (doxxing) – the word – is a neologism that dates back to the 90s, when Usenet’s members posted personal information on fellow users. It basically represents the idea of compiling and releasing digital documents that lead to identity revelation […]

Access control, Cloud security, Editorial

Software Defined Perimeter -a better, virtual security firewall

September 29, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) is a new security approach currently standardized by the #cloud security alliance (#csa). The concept is basically offering an air-gapped network – in a virtual version, so that sensitive data might be secured and companies detaining […]

Cyber-crime, Editorial, Malware

Ransomware – a trend to stay

September 23, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

#ransomware is an actual cyber – phenomenon. First brought to attention in 1989 (the AIDS Trojan or PC Cyborg), then mentioned somewhere back in 2005 (Trojan.Gpcoder, then the Archiveus Trojan in 2006 that combined ransomware with RSA encryption), 2014 seems […]

Editorial, Privacy protection, Security

Keystroke profiling

September 16, 2015

Via: Russel Edwards

Also known as keystroke or typing dynamics, keystroke profiling translates into associating an individual with his/hers way of interacting with an interface via a keyboard or another device of input. This identification method can serve for authentication (it belongs to […]

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