
IoT Security: The Cold, Hard Truth About Digital Device Defense

November 27, 2017


With the IoT market on track to reach $800 billion this year and more than 2 billion connected devices already in the wild, it’s no surprise that Internet of Things (IoT) security is now a top priority for cutting-edge enterprises. The challenge? Actually making inroads. While updating stock passwords and improving employee education are helping deflect entry-level attacks, widespread distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and botnet incidents are on the rise. It begs the question: Is better digital device defense possible, or is IoT insecurity inevitable?

Emerging Issues With IoT Security

Users aren’t certain about IoT. According to Intelligent Transport, recent survey data showed that 90 percent of consumers lack confidence in IoT security, citing concerns about leaked data (60 percent) and compromised personal information (54 percent).

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