
Comment on Phishing email: The friend needing help by Margaux

January 25, 2013


I received this from an Italian friend’s e-mail address [email protected]. There was no warning but I found it strange that it was addressed to Undisclosed Recipients. I immediately contacted him and he was already aware that his account had been hacked into.

The e-mail says he had been on a trip to London and had had his bag with his passport and personal belongings stolen and that the Embassy had only left him a temporary passport, that he has to pay his ticket home and pay the hotel bill.

An airline will usually replace a lost ticket and since most people buy their tickets on Internet they would only have to print it out again. Also, having had my passport stolen abroad I went to the Embassy and got a new passport the same day.

In the e-mail the person says to let him know if you need his full name, we usually know our friends’ full names.

He says he’s at the Blue Island Hotel. There is no Blue Island Hotel in London. He gives the number of the supposed hotel but the number starts with 070 which is a mobile phone (+44 70 if dialling from abroad).

Mi auguro di poterci trovare questa volta, Io ho fatto un viaggio a Londra, UK e mi hanno rubato la mia borsa con il passaporto e gli affetti personali. L’ambasciata mi ha solo rilasciato un passaporto temporaneo ma Io devo pagare il biglietto e saldare le fatture alberghiere. Io ho fatto contattare la noia banca ma mi ci vorrebbero 5 giorni lavorativi per accedere ai fondi nel conto da Londra.

Western Union transfer è la migliore opzione per inviarmi denaro. Fammi sapere se hai bisogno dei miei dati (nome completo/località) per fare il trasferimento. Puoi raggiungermi via email o telefono Blue Island Hotel +447024030611

Fammi sapere se puoi essere d’aiuto.