
Author: Zeljka Zorz

Cloud security, Network security

Detecting malicious behavior blended with business-justified activity

December 3, 2018

Via: Help Net Security

With organizations moving to the cloud and remote workers becoming the rule rather than the exception, the definition of the network is changing. Add to this the increasing use of IoT devices, encryption and engagement in shadow IT practices, and […]


Combatting the Growing Threat of Ransomware

February 14, 2018

Via: itCurated

Given the current cybersecurity environment and the increasing sophistication of ransomware, getting to threats before they can have a business impact is more important than ever. If you find yourself questioning whether to pay a ransom, you’ve already lost the […]


5 Types of Highly Effective Hackers & How to Avoid Becoming Their Target

November 24, 2017

Via: Sofia Allende

Are cyber-threats keeping you up at night? You are not alone, dear reader. As hackers have become more skilled, there has been a rise in the number, severity and sophistication of cyber-attacks inflicting organizations of all sizes, all around the […]


Passwords & Email Accounts: a Gateway for Hackers

October 25, 2017

Via: Sofia Allende

“If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What’s more, you deserve to be hacked.” – Richard Clarke While the former National Coordinator for Security for the United States does make a valid point […]


Information Security Spending Is Growing. What Businesses Need to Know

September 10, 2017

Via: Jeremy Corkwell

The cybersecurity market continues its steady growth, with a 7 percent increase in 2017 – $86.4 billion, and going up to $93 billion in 2018, according to Gartner’s latest forecast. But information security is just part of the larger cybersecurity […]

Editorial, Malware

RaaS for loan for whomever is after your data

August 10, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Ransomware as a service, (RaaS), lets malicious parties use predefined malware, in order to extort their victims of choice. Available online, these cyber crime – to lease – deals are making the digital environment even worse. So far, only those […]

Editorial, Privacy protection

Is online anonymity just a myth?

August 4, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Browsing anonymity may seem appealing for various reasons. Regardless of whether they have something worth hiding/protecting or not, those who know better appreciate the value of online privacy protection. But is VPN-supported anonymity all it is rumored to be, or […]

Editorial, Privacy protection

I spy with my digital eye… smartphone-induced risks

August 1, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

The idea that smartphone cameras may represent cybersecurity risks is not new. Smartphone-induced risks have plagued researchers from the beginning of this trendy devices’ rise. In time, specialists analyzed various scenarios. More recently, an official incident determined a new wave […]

Editorial, Network security

Would you trust network security compartmentalization?

July 26, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Compartmentalization in cyber security is exactly what the term lets us assume it would be. In order to reduce risks, experts employ a smart firewall and divide users into categories. Nevertheless, at this year’s RSA conference multiple vendors discussed a […]

Cyber warfare, Editorial

AI in cyber-security – or is it its mature counterpart, AGI?

July 20, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Many cyber-security professionals are waiting for the next stage of Artificial Intelligence-based algorithms. Ready to fight with what we may call automated malicious attacks, AI is yet in its testing phase, showing up in demos and uncoordinated software. It’s like […]

Editorial, Network security

KasperskyOS – how securing systems became a powerful OS

March 1, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Recently, Kaspersky officially launched their own Operating System, targeted at control systems, network devices and IoT-related operations. The product is the result of 14-years of hard work and, of course, puts cybersecurity in the spotlight. We should see amazing features […]

Editorial, Vulnerabilities

Beware the traps of security automation

February 1, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Cyber security automation may represent a relief for specialists. With its unmatched potential of big data processing, automation in this field is the only foreseeable counteraction once the global-scale Internet of Everything provides a new playing field for hackers everywhere. […]

Access control, Editorial

Broken cyber identity – can damages be repaired?

January 25, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

What happens to the victims of data theft, once hackers get hold of their identity? We were tempted to say “digital identity”, but that would not have been complete. Once the personally identifiable information (PII) or sensitive personal information (SPI) […]

Editorial, Vulnerabilities

Another day, another demo exploit – this time, Chrome is the tattletale (autofill vulnerabilities)

January 18, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Unfortunately, often in the digital environment what makes things faster and easier is riddled with cyber security risks. This time, it is about the autofill feature. Finish specialist Viljami Kuosmanen illustrated how easy it is for third parties to get […]

Access control, Editorial

Mass surveillance, the invisible cyber enemy lurking in the future

January 11, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

Surveillance is a passive cyber-threat. It does not block computers or alter the software. It is just lurking in the shadows, taking note of every single action cyber-users perform. According to a MonsterCloud report, mass surveillance is the public enemy […]

Editorial, Privacy protection

Data Brokers and why is privacy protection valuable

January 4, 2017

Via: Russel Edwards

During a recent conversation I was surprised to find out that not all people understand the value of privacy protection. Unless confronted with the perspective of their data ending up in malicious hands, of course. However, when talking about privacy […]

Editorial, Privacy protection

Will empowering AI equal weakening privacy protection?

December 29, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

As it turns out, Google wants to employ Artificial Intelligence in moderating online communications. This activity implies a fine balance between the freedom of expression and various preset policies. These may involve anti-harassment measures or even cyber-security guidelines that moderate […]

Access control, Data loss, Editorial

Yahoo breaches – what were the signs?

December 21, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

Yahoo breaches have become similar to Adobe Flash patches – one seems to hear about them endlessly. The company strives to explain and investigate. Yet there is even more to add to the damage report as time goes by. On […]

Editorial, Network security

Machine to machine communication needs better security

December 14, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

It is not hard to decode M2M technology, even for the less experienced of us. An abbreviation for machine to machine communication, M2M involves networked devices communicating among themselves. Without any manual assistance from humans, that is. M2M and IoT […]

Data loss, Editorial

Why distributed guessing attacks worry Visa users

December 9, 2016

Via: Russel Edwards

Trying to decrypt the way Tesco Bank hackers operated, researchers unveiled a surprisingly fast and efficient method of hacking VISA cards. Successful in just 6 seconds, this technique, dubbed distributed guessing attack, allows cyber-attackers to access all necessary data and […]

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